You deserve support.
Do you struggle with how food makes you feel physically or emotionally? Learn how you can nourish your body using the latest nutrition science, mindfulness, and delicious, practical, sustainable food. Kick heartburn and guilt to the curb once and for all. Love your body again, and face your food fears while supporting optimal digestive health.
My Approach

In working together, we'll incorporate a whole-person integrative approach that is based on your personal nutritional needs, as well as your taste preferences, budget, schedule, and lifestyle. We'll apply holistic methods rooted in modern, evidence-based nutrition therapy.
From the very first session, you'll transform your thinking about food and your relationship with your body. Using Intuitive Eating techniques, you'll have a curated experience reconnecting to nourishment while honoring your health needs. You'll learn techniques that can help manage food fears, as well as increase your creativity and productivity as you heal your relationship with food.